Pencil and Pen Holder 3D Printing File | Customizable Desk Organizer Digital Download
Pencil and Pen Holder 3D Printing File | Customizable Desk Organizer Digital Download
I’ve created a unique design for this pen and pencil holder, which complements the post it note holder also available in my shop. This unique design is both sturdy and practical, ensuring the holder remains stable and doesn’t tip over. With a wall thickness of 1/8", it’s built for durability. The holder measures 3.8" tall by 3" wide, with an opening of 2 9/16" wide.
After purchase, your digital file will be available for download through email to the email provided at checkout. The file is a .zip file and includes both .STL and .STP files, depending on your preferred file type for printing. I also include a notes sheet with tips and insights I’ve learned while testing the file to ensure printability and functionality. To use the files in the .zip folder, you must first extract them. This can be done by right-clicking on the .zip folder and selecting "Extract All."
Grant of License:
Calculated Carpenter (the "Licensor") grants the purchaser (the "Licensee") a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use the digital file(s) (the "Files") under the following conditions:
Commercial Use: The Licensee may create physical items from the Files using 3D printing, laser cutting, or CNC machining and sell those physical items commercially.
Personal Use: The Licensee may use the Files for personal, non-commercial purposes, including creating physical items using 3D printing, laser cutting, or CNC machining.
Restrictions: The Licensee is prohibited from:
Selling, transferring, or distributing the Files in any form. Sharing the Files with any third party.
Intellectual Property:
The Files remain the exclusive property of the Licensor. This license does not transfer any ownership rights to the Licensee.
This license is effective until terminated. The Licensor may terminate the license at any time if the Licensee breaches any of the terms and conditions. Upon termination, the Licensee must destroy all copies of the Files in their possession.
Governing Law:
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, United States of America, without regard to its conflict of law principles.